We want to have something exciting for every member of your family. Here are some of the ministries we have at our church.
Infants & Small Children
We provide a well-equipped nursery for each and every service, staffed by ladies of the church.
We have exciting classes for children to learn the truths of God’s Word.
For first through sixth grade, we have the following classes:
→ Sunday School class – Sundays at 10:00am
→ Covenant Kids Junior Church class – Sundays at 11:00am
→ CBC Club (Children Building Character) – Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Each year, we also have Vacation Bible School, usually in July.

For those Junior High and High School aged, we have a Teen Sunday School class Sundays at 10:00am. We also have activities at the church each month with games and a pizza dinner. For the date of the next youth activity, see the Events page.
We have many opportunities for fellowship as adults. We have special annual events such as a Valentine’s Banquet, a Christmas-in-July party, and others. Every fifth Sunday, we have a potluck meal with an afternoon service that follows.
The ladies of the church have monthly activities. They have a monthly Ladies Bible Study, hosted by Mrs. Amy Lance. There is an early afternoon session as well as an evening session. See the Events page for the next date.

The ladies also get together once a month for the Ladies Sewing Circle and work on crafts and projects for our missionaries.
See the Events page for the next date.

The Ladies also have special events such as Ladies Conferences and retreats they can attend throughout the year.

In addition to the activities for the adults, our church has a monthly Men’s Breakfast. See the Events page for the next date.