Pastor Ken Lance
Senior Pastor
Pastor Ken Lance became the senior pastor at Covenant Baptist in November 2021. He graduated from Massillon Baptist College in 1985. He has been a senior pastor since 1996 at Bethany Baptist in Clawson, Michigan, and most recently Calvary Baptist in Bucyrus, Ohio, where he served for 21 years.
He married Amy in 1983 and they have five adult children.
You can read more about Pastor Lance.

Pastor Stephen Lance
Assistant Pastor
Pastor Stephen Lance came to Covenant in September 2012. He accepted Christ as his Saviour at the age of 3 and was baptized at 6. He surrendered his life to the Lord at Camp CoBeAc when he was 12 and the Lord gave him the desire to preach and serve Him. Being a pastor’s kid, he was given many opportunities to serve Christ early in life.
Pastor Stephen is a 2006 graduate of Massillon Baptist College in Massillon, Ohio. He was youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Bucyrus, Ohio from 2006 until the Lord directed him to Covenant Baptist.
Pastor Stephen married his wife Lauren in June 2012.

Pastor Paul Madonna
Pastor Emeritus
Pastor Paul Madonna served as Senior Pastor from 2000 to 2021. He is the son of our founding pastor, Ted Madonna. Pastor Paul is a 1975 graduate of the Bible Baptist Seminary in Arlington, Texas. He grew up at Covenant Baptist Church and married his wife, Donna, in 1973.
Prior to becoming the senior pastor, Pastor Paul was involved in the ministries of Covenant, having served as the Youth Director and Assistant Pastor here. As Pastor Emeritus, he remains active in the the church leading music, preaching, and serving in other capacities.
Pastor Paul and Donna have two grown children and eight grandchildren.